In 3050, the true heirs of the lost Star League thunder forth from the depths of the far Periphery and carve deep into the quarrelling Successor States. As the Clan juggernaut rolls across the coreward realms of the Inner Sphere, the House Lords scramble to shore up their defences and devise some way to halt the invaders.
The Clan spear is aimed at the heart of human-occupied space. Do you possess the bold tactics and heroic courage to defeat warriors trained from birth to conquer? Or will you uphold Kerensky’s dream to cast aside the squabbling lords of the Inner Sphere and reignite the flame of the Star League?
BattleTech is the world’s greatest armoured combat game, and now you can add the Clans! Inside this box you’ll discover epic clashes, dynamic characters, and a myriad of gaming experiences for any type of player: miniatures to RPG play, hobby painting to fiction, and beyond.
The BattleTech: Clan Invasion box is a supplement to the BattleTech: A Game of Armored Combat box, which is required to use this set.