As always, all MXTX novels come with the highest Travelling Man recommendation!
The blockbuster danmei/Boys’ Love novels from China that inspired the animated series!
This epic historical fantasy about a prince and the mysterious man by his side is now in English, for the very first time.
White No-Face, Xie Lian's greatest fear and most hated enemy, has arrived...or so it seems. While the ghost with the half-crying, half-smiling mask is somewhere nearby, the creature is elusive as always, taunting Xie Lian from just out of reach and promising the total destruction of everything he holds dear"--
This Chinese xianxia fantasy novel series built around the romanticised love between two men (danmei) is the newest work from author Mo Xiang Tong Xiu, and has spawned an ongoing multimedia franchise that’s beloved across the world – including the animated series (donghua) that amassed 100+ million views in just its first month.
The Seven Seas English-language edition will include covers from 日出的小太陽 (tai3_3), and exclusive, all-new interior illustrations from ZeldaCW.