Adventures in the Household is a 5E supplement about Littlings, little folks living grand-tiny adventures in a big abandoned House. Set in a regency-like era, 100 years after the disappearance of the Master, Adventures in the Household features an immersive lore that takes players into a unique setting.
The Fragile Peace is a 5-year long period beginning with the institution of a so-called High Councel, and ending when the shadow of a new war appears.
It was in these years, so rife with old disagreements, great revolutions, and diplomatic incidents, that Household History was made. And these years are also the backdrop for all the adventures you and your friends will play through.
This book will lead you through the years of the Fragile Peace, following in the footprints of 24 noteworthy littlings.
Such Small Matters is an expansion for Adventures in the Household, it contains a collection of Characters and Adventures that weave together to create a great Saga.
In this book you will find:
• 24 ready-to-play Characters
• 6 ready-to-play Adventures
• 60 Adventure Outlines to build your own Saga
• A Time-line of Household History