This expansion to Pandemic includes new event cards, new role cards, rules for five players, and optional game challenges to increase the difficulty, such as the 'Legendary' difficulty level, the Virulent Strain challenge, the Mutation challenge, and the Bio-Terrorist challenge. These challenges can be mixed together to make the game even harder.
Virulent Strain challenge: makes one disease become particularly deadly in unpredictable ways.
Mutation Challenge: adds a fifth (purple) disease that behaves differently than the original four.
Bio-Terrorist Challenge: pits one player against the others!
You may also play with 5 players and as if Pandemic wasn't hard enough, you can now play on the stupidly difficult Legendary level!
- 8 Role Cards
- 12 Pawns
- 2 Purple Disease Cubes
- 1 Purple Cure Marker
- 1 Purple Status Tile
- 8 Special Event Cards
- 3 Mutation Event Cards
- 2 Mutation! Cards
- 8 Virulent Strain Epidemic Cards
- 1 Epidemic Card
- 1 Reference Card
- 1 Bio-Terrorist Location Pad
- 6 Petri Dishes with Labels
- 4 Blank Cards