Straight from Rooster Teeth’s hit animation series, a new four-volume anthology series featuring stories from various manga creators, each focusing on a different member of Team RWBY!
Defeating monsters and stopping evil is a tough job, but TEAM RWBY is up for any challenge! Well, except for homework.
All new short stories set in the world of RWBY from more than fifteen different manga creators in one single volume!
Includes a full-color four-page story and four full-color illustrations. This volume focuses on Blake Belladonna from TEAM RWBY.
Plus, bonus messages from the illustrators and creators, with longer notes from RWBY character designer Ein Lee and actress Arryn Zech, the voice of Blake Belladonna herself!
Defeating monsters and stopping evil is a tough job, but TEAM RWBY is up for any challenge! Well, except for homework.
All new short stories set in the world of RWBY from more than fifteen different manga creators in one single volume!
Includes a full-color four-page story and four full-color illustrations. This volume focuses on Blake Belladonna from TEAM RWBY.
Plus, bonus messages from the illustrators and creators, with longer notes from RWBY character designer Ein Lee and actress Arryn Zech, the voice of Blake Belladonna herself!